Book Review: The Journey to WOW: The Path to Outstanding Customer Experience and Loyalty by Shaun Belding

The Journey to WOW: The Path to Outstanding Customer Experience and Loyalty by Shaun Belding

Available September 24, 2018

By now, most of our blog followers know we read a lot of business related books. Out of the many, many books on customer service, I (David) would have to say that The Journey to WOW: The Path to Outstanding Customer Experience and Loyalty by Shaun Belding is by far the best.

One of the strongest points Belding makes is that outstanding customer service is a moving target. Back in the 1960s, a store would be considered to be outstanding if they had convenient parking and a clean restroom. Those things are now expectations and not an example of outstanding customer service.

Belding takes his readers on a delightful journey (imagine an old redneck using terms like “Delightful”) with a young man who is tasked with improving his company’s customer experience.

This book reads a little like Who Moved My Cheese. By this we mean that there is a story that, at first glance, is just a cute little story but, after a while, the reader learns that they actually learned something.

We give The Journey to WOW: The Path to Outstanding Customer Experience and Loyalty all five stars. We wish some online booksellers would read the part where the team discusses how their customers contact them.

We were sent a complimentary advance review copy of this book. We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

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