Book Review: Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth By Eddie Yoon

Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth
By Eddie Yoon

If you are interested in a different approach to growing your brand, Superconsumers: A Simple, Speedy, and Sustainable Path to Superior Growth by Eddie Yoon may just be the tool you need.

Yoon gives his readers some real world examples of how trends can be leveraged to optimize sales.

We have had different experiences in the adult beverage industry that lead us to doubt some of the data Yoon cites in Superconsumers. While working at two different convenience stores in Texas, we discovered that the average beer consumer in those stores spent on average of $20 per day on beer every day of the year.  Maybe some Texan out there isn’t drinking his fair share.

Other than that observation, it appears that Superconsumers is spot on. It is well-written and well-researched.  If one is in leadership in a business and is looking to grow that business then, Superconsumers would be a helpful resource for them.

We give it all five stars.  We enjoyed the book and think it could be a valuable tool for someone trying to grow a business.

We were sent a complimentary copy of this book.  We are under no obligation to write any review, positive or negative.

We are disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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